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React is a JavaScript library that aims to simplify the development of visual interfaces. Since its release in 2013, it has become a driving force behind numerous widely used applications, including Facebook and Instagram. Its primary goal is to make it easy to reason about an interface and its state at any point in time by dividing the UI into a collection of components.

Reason Behind React’s Popularity?

React has gained immense popularity in front-end web development for several reasons.

Less complex than the alternatives

When React was first introduced, Ember.js and Angular 1x dominated the scene. However, these frameworks imposed too many conventions on the code, making integration into existing projects inconvenient. React was designed to be easily integrated into existing projects. Facebook initially developed React for this purpose, introducing it to their codebase.

Perfect timing

At the time of React’s emergence, Google announced Angular 2x, which came with backward incompatibility and significant changes. This transition from Angular 1 to Angular 2 was like migrating to a different framework altogether. In contrast, React promised improved execution speed, attracting eager developers to try this new technology. The timing of React’s release, along with its performance benefits, contributed to its rapid adoption.

Backed by Facebook

React’s association with Facebook has also played a role in its popularity. Being backed by a company like Facebook gives confidence that a project will receive ongoing support and updates. Although the backing of a prominent company is not a guarantee of success, React has proven its worth through its widespread adoption and continued development.

Is React Really That Simple?

While React is considered simpler than alternative frameworks, it still presents some complexity, primarily due to the additional technologies that can be integrated, such as Redux, Relay, or GraphQL.

React has a minimal API, focusing on the core concepts necessary for building user interfaces. These concepts include:


React revolves around the concept of components, which are self-contained, reusable code units responsible for rendering specific UI parts.


JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript, allows developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript files. This provides a more expressive and readable way to define the structure and appearance of components.


The state represents the internal data of a component and allows for managing and updating its values. It enables components to be dynamic and responsive to user interactions or changes in data.


Props, short for properties, pass data from parent to child components. They provide a way to configure and customize components with different values.

While React’s core concepts are relatively straightforward, mastering the corollary technologies and best practices can require additional effort. However, the React community offers extensive documentation, tutorials, and resources to support beginners’ learning journey.

Importance of Learning React

There are numerous compelling reasons why learning React can be beneficial. Let’s explore some of the most prominent points emphasized by React experts:

Simplicity and Ease of Use

React is widely appreciated for its simplicity, flexibility, and user-friendly nature. Its straightforward and modular infrastructure allows developers to build and maintain applications more efficiently. React’s intuitive design and clean syntax make it relatively easy to learn and use, especially if you have a solid understanding of JavaScript fundamentals.

High Demand for React Developers

The demand for React developers is exceptionally high in today’s job market. Many businesses and companies across various industries rely on React for building their web applications. This widespread adoption constantly requires skilled React developers, resulting in many job opportunities. React developers often command attractive salaries, with the average yearly salary in the United States reaching $120,000.

Abundance of Job Opportunities

The job market for React developers is thriving and shows no signs of slowing down. Whether you prefer working remotely or within a company, many positions are available for React developers. By investing time in learning React, you can position yourself to take advantage of the numerous career opportunities that come with this sought-after skillset.

Complements JavaScript Knowledge

Since React is built on top of JavaScript, learning React expands your skill set and enhances your understanding of JavaScript. React’s component-based architecture and functional programming concepts provide valuable insights into structuring and organizing code. This more profound understanding of JavaScript will benefit you when working with React and tackling other JavaScript frameworks and libraries.

Reusability and Efficiency

React promotes reusability, allowing developers to create modular components that can be reused across different parts of an application. This not only saves development time but also improves code maintainability. By leveraging React’s component-based approach, you can build complex applications more efficiently and effectively manage changes and updates.

Last Words

In conclusion, React has become immensely popular due to its simplicity, flexibility, and ability to streamline the development of visual interfaces. By dividing the UI into components and providing an intuitive way to manage state and props, React empowers developers to create interactive and scalable web applications. While there may be some initial complexity, the benefits of learning React and its associated technologies are well worth the investment, opening up exciting opportunities in the rapidly growing field of front-end web development.

Moreover, learning React offers numerous advantages, including high demand in the job market and the opportunity to enhance your JavaScript skills. React’s large and supportive community and the availability of open-source projects on platforms like GitHub ensures a wealth of resources and support throughout your learning journey. By mastering React, you can unlock exciting career prospects and contribute to developing modern, scalable web applications.